Bone broth is as old as time and yet as popular as it’s ever been. From celebrities who swear by its impact on their skin to functional medicine doctors who recommend it for its healing properties, it has reached the mainstream.
Still, many people have questions. How is it made? Is it the same as stock? What is bone broth? Is it really that good for you? We dig in below!
Bone broth is the liquid that comes from cooking animal bones and connective tissue on a slow heat over an extended period of time. You can make it from pretty much any animal, but the most common bones to use are chicken, beef, and fish.
During the cooking period, collagen, minerals, amino acids, and other compounds are released into the liquid — all vital for good health.
You can trace evidence of bone broth back to prehistoric times when hunters and gatherers put every part of the animal to good use and would boil hooves, knuckles, and bones together.
It has also been used in China for centuries for medicinal purposes such as improving digestive health and strengthening the kidneys.
The Egyptians, on the other hand, revered bone broth for its perceived ability to help with colds and asthma. In other words, bone broth has been used by different cultures throughout time and recognized for its wide range of healing properties.
According to the USDA nutrient database, a typical cup of chicken bone broth or beef bone broth delivers the following:
- 30 to 68 calories
- 0.1g to 3g of fat
- 4.6g to 6g of protein
Homemade bone broth also provides calcium, potassium, iron and other minerals, as well as collagen, glycine, proline, and glutamine. These all play a critical role in joint, bone, and digestive health.
Is bone broth the same as stock? Is chicken stock the same thing as chicken bone broth?
Simple answer: No!
The key difference between stock vs broth comes down to the cooking period. In order to extract the beneficial gelatin out of the bones, you need to cook them on a low heat for an extended period of time.
What’s more, the stock is often made by cooking the flesh of the animal, not the bones. Regular homemade chicken stock does not offer a wide range of nutritional benefits you get from this broth.
The more you cook it, then the more you will be able to extract the gelatin from the bones. You can’t have that in regular stock as the cooking period is way shorter to extract all that beneficial gelatin.
So now you will also know what is gelatin made out of, the amount of information you are getting here is priceless. If we dig deep into stock vs broth then you will realize that there are tons of other differences as well. In conclusion, the broth is better than stock.
There are many recipes out there for making bone broth, and you can customize yours with herbs and spices to your taste. We recommend making it in a large stock pot, or you can make instant pot bone broth.
Ideally, you should use marrow bones, chicken feet, hooves, and knuckles to make sure you extract the most collagen-rich goodness out of the broth. After that, all you need is water, vinegar, herbs, vegetables, and salt and pepper.
- 4 or 5 liters of water
- 2 ½ tablespoon of vinegar ( any vinegar will work, but Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular choice )
- 2-3 kg of animal bones
- Salt, pepper, and some herbs of your choice
- Add some veggies for extra taste
- Place all the ingredients in an instant pot or a large pot on the stove. Because of the extended cooking time, it’s better to cook bone broth in instant pot or a stock pot.
- Bring to the boil.
- Reduce the heat to a simmer and set the timer to cook for 16-20 hours (depending on whether you are using a stove top method, an Instant Pot or a stock pot.) Remember that the more you cook it, the better it will be for you. The goal is to extract the maximum amount of nutrients and gelatin.
- Let the broth cool down, and separate the solids (vegetables, herbs etc.) from the liquid. Strain it into glass jars for future use (It can be frozen once cooled.)
It takes some time, but it’s worth it! If you want to make it more nutritious try to use the best bones for bone broth. Click here if you prefer your broth made for you.
When we talk about something that is healthy, the main thought process that is going in our mind at that time is “Is it tasty and beneficial for my health?”. So, basically what we are thinking is if the food we are eating is nutritious.
When it comes to this particular food, the benefits of bone broth are uncountable. We can back this up by the amount of nutrients this food has, it is rich in tons of vitamins and minerals that are good for your health.

As a superfood rich in nutrients, the health benefits of bone broth are seemingly endless, but we’re going to dive into some of the key bone broth benefits below.
Bone Health
I’ve been talking about the extraction of gelatin. Now you will understand its importance. The gelatin in broth further breaks down into collagen that is really important for your bone health and especially your joints.
As we grow old, the stress on our bones increases. Due to this, the cartilage in the joints shrinks down. This can cause pain and discomfort.
Now when you consume gelatin it helps in increasing the amount of collagen in your body that decreases the stress on your bones. So by drinking this broth, you can add gelatin in your diet which will eventually lead to better bone health.
Good For Skin, Hair, and Nail Health
Collagen doesn’t just help your bones and joints — it’s also a great resource for your skin, hair, and nails. Many people report enhanced skin elasticity, stronger nails, and better hair growth when they consume it on a regular basis. bone broth collagen is perfect for your skin, hair, and nail health. The collagen that is extracted from bone broth is known as type 1 and type 3 collagen. You can also try hydrolyzed collagen if you want fast results.
Better Sleep
Bone broth contains all the essential amino acids. One of them — glycine — helps promote better sleep and relief from fatigue. Try eating beef broth soup in the evening to increase the amount of glycine in your body.
Improved Digestion
Another amino acid that steps up as a bone broth hero is glutamine. In various studies, glutamine has been shown to help fix damage to the intestinal barrier — a condition sometimes referred to as leaky gut syndrome.
When you heal your gut lining, you improve your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and digest food.
Amino acids are also known to reduce overall bodily inflammation, so keep sipping that broth!
Weight-Loss Friendly
Bone broth is a low-carb, low-calorie form of nutrition that can fit into almost any diet — whether you’re following the keto diet, paleo diet, or the Atkins diet. Because of its high protein content, it makes you feel full for longer, which can help control your calorie intake.
Homemade chicken broth soup contains more protein than homemade chicken stock, so if you’re looking for a quick drink to fill you up, the broth is the way to go!
You can use it in almost any recipe that calls for water or stock, so your recipe options are practically endless. You can make your own bone broth recipe. Whether you choose to use pork broth, turkey bone broth, pork bone broth, bone marrow soup, or duck bone broth, there is a recipe for you.
Whichever animal you choose to make your broth from, just remember: the bones are good for your health. Here are 2 easy-to-make recipes using LonoLife bone broth. You can find so many more on our bone broth recipes page on our website.
This easy-to-make soup might just be one of the best chicken soup recipes for followers of the popular Keto diet. Whether you use your homemade beef broth or LonoLife’s Thai Curry Beef Bone Broth, you’ll get a collagen-rich boost of flavor that will take you through the day.

- 2 cups shredded chicken (rotisserie)
- 4 cups LonoLife Thai Curry Beef Bone Broth or homemade beef broth
- 2 carrots chopped to ¼ inch rounds
- 2 celery stalks chopped to ¼ inch rounds
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1/3 cup cauliflower gnocchi (you can buy this frozen)
- Add lonolife thai curry broth to a large stock pot. Add carrots and celery to broth and simmer for about 10 minutes.
- Prepare the chicken in a separate pot. How long do you boil chicken? It depends on whether you are using a stove top, instant pot or a stock pot. Essentially, when you see that the chicken is soft, white and separates easily, it’s ready.
- Add the cauliflower gnocchi. Cook for another 10 minutes and stir occasionally to make sure the gnocchi isn’t sticking to the side/bottom of the pot.
- Add chicken and cook for a couple of minutes until the chicken is warmed through. How long to boil chicken is something that most people get confused about and I hope that I cleared that part.
- Season with salt and pepper and enjoy! Another chicken bone broth recipe added to your list.
This Beef Bone Broth Soup packs a punch when it comes to immune-boosting ingredients and is so easy to make. Use homemade beef broth, add beef stock if you have some you want to use up, or make life easy by using LonoLife Beef Bone Broth powder. After drinking it, I know that you will add this beef bone broth recipe into your daily diet.

- 1 yellow onion diced
- 2 cloves garlic minced
- 4 cups LonoLife Beef Bone Broth
- 2 stalks celery chopped
- 2 baby bok choy chopped
- 1 daikon radish sliced
- 1/4 cup kale
- 1/4 cup spinach
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- In a large stockpot add olive oil, onion, celery, and garlic. Cook on medium heat until the onion is translucent.
- Add lonolife beef broth and the rest of the ingredients to the pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer for about 30 minutes.
- Enjoy!
There are several ways in which you can cook the bone broth. You already know the benefits of bone broth and why it is so important for health. Now it’s time that you choose which one is better for you.
The most common types of bone broth are chicken bone broth and beef bone broth. These broths have some minor differences but it will all come down to your personal choice and taste.
If we take an honest comparison between beef bone broth and chicken bone broth then beef is more nutritious. There is a huge difference in taste as well. Beef bone broth has a stronger taste and it is beneficial for your bone and skin health.
If you have a seasonal cold then chicken bone broth can be beneficial. It is a good warm drink for cold weather. If you prefer your broth to have a light taste, then chicken bone broth is perfect for you.
Another broth that tastes great and can also help in improving your brain and heart health is fish bone broth. As we all know that fishes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and when you make a broth out of it then all the nutrients are extracted from the fish. Fish bone broth is really good for your health and if you can’t make up your mind for chicken and beef then you should go after fish bone broth.
Looking for the best bone broth? Then you need to look at the quality of the bones being used. For example, were the cows grass-fed? How long were the bones simmered before creating the broth? These are the kinds of questions you should ask before you buy bone broth.
Also, consider how you will use your broth. Sure, liquid bone broth is great, but do you have enough room to store it in your freezer? Also, what happens if you want a cup of it at work, or while out hiking for the day?
We believe the easier it is to consume bone broth, the more likely we are to drink this healing elixir, which is why we formulated powdered bone broth. (Click here to learn more about the benefits of powdered bone broth.)
You can buy LonoLife bone broth at or from our Amazon store.
Adding bone broth to your regular diet will improve your health and prevent several health disorders.
Just like we talked above about all the benefits that you can get by adding bone broth to your daily diet. So should you drink it daily? Let’s clear out a few things here.
Before that, you should understand that there are tons of benefits that you can get by drinking bone broth. Excess of anything can be bad for your health so do try to make a weekly diet plan and add your broth accordingly.
Should You Drink Bone Broth Every Day?
While you’re probably not asking “Is bone broth good for you” anymore, you might be wondering whether it’s ok to drink it every day. Yes! With such a strong nutritional profile, this broth is an excellent addition to any diet and there are no downsides to drinking it daily. If you are limiting your sodium intake, simply choose a low or reduced-sodium option.
The bone broth protein content in one cup of LonoLife bone broth is a whopping 10 grams — another bonus for anyone looking to increase their protein intake or stave off hunger pangs between meals.
Our ancestors knew how to extract the most amount of goodness from the limited food sources that they had, so it’s no wonder they created their own version of bone broth. Since then, it has been used throughout the centuries in cultures all across the world —
for good reason. The nutritional profile of bone broth has been extensively studied and will add value to any diet. Need another reason to try it? It’s delicious!
Stay healthy. Stay strong.